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Mango Fresh


Mango, Mangifera indica, is an evergreen tree in the family Anacardiaceae grown for its edible fruit. The mango tree is erect and branching with a thick trunk and broad, rounded canopy. The leaves of the tree are are shiny and dark green. They are either elliptical or lanceolate with long petioles and a leathery texture. The tree produces dense clusters...

Durian Thailand


Durian is a unique tropical fruit. It's popular in Southeast Asia, where it's nicknamed “the king of fruits.” Durian is very high in nutrients, containing more than most other fruits. However, it also gets a bad rap due to its strong smell. This article tells you everything you need to know about durian.Durian is a tropical fruit distinguished by its...

Musk melon


Muskmelon is a species of melon that has been developed into many cultivated varieties. These include smooth-skinned varieties such as honeydew, Crenshaw, and casaba, and different netted cultivars.Muskmelons vary in shape in size and tend to weigh between 5 and 8 pounds. Most are round to ovate and some will have a slightly squat shape. They have a pronounced light...